Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to control two bulbs by one way switch in Parallel Urdu and Hindi video tutorial

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By HU tutorials

Hay gays, hope fully you all are fine. In the last class we learn that how to control 2 bulbs by one way switch in Series, and i told that in series circuit the voltage are different and current (Ampere) are same. But in Parallel circuit the voltage (V) is same and the current (Ampere) is different.
For example if we use the 2 electric bulbs which is required to glow up 220 volt AC supply and in this two bulbs first one is 100 watt and second is 200 watt (watt is denoted by W).
In Series circuit the if we use these two bulb then we have find that our voltage of  both bulbs are different with one another and if we will check the both bulb current (Ampere) then we will find that both bulbs have same current (Ampere).
And if we will do this again in Parallel circuit then we will find that both bulbs have same voltage (V) but the first bulb Ampere reading is different then second bulb.

So lets come to the point last class we control 2 bulbs in series circuit in a Urdu video tutorial and you can view by click below link.
How to control two bulbs in Series circuit Urdu and Hindi video tutorial

For better understanding to control two bulb in Parallel circuit by one way switch kindly watch the below video tutorial. Note that the video tutorial is in Urdu and Hindi language.

Kindly watch the video tutorial and do ask me in comments section if you have any question regarding this video tutorial.
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About the Author

Sikandar khan is pro blogger who's write about technology,learn Home wiring. He makes video tutorial in Urdu and Hindi languages

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