Saturday, October 12, 2013

5 types of electronic capacitor and it's use

Posted by Unknown  |  at  4:42 AM No comments

As you that the electronic capacitor are those electronic components which is mostly uses in electronic circuit. Capacitor it use for leading current when we use a capacitor then the current leading and voltage are lagging in conductor.
In AC fan we use the capacitor for leading the current because the the AC electric fans wants the high current for starting.
There are 5 types of electronic capacitors in below figure in which High voltage electrolytic, Axial electrolytic, High voltage dist ceramic, Melalised polypropylene, Multilayer ceramic chip.

In the below figure have 5 types of capacitor and its uses. You can save it in your PC computer by clicking the figure.
5 types of electronic capacitor
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Sikandar khan is pro blogger who's write about technology,learn Home wiring. He makes video tutorial in Urdu and Hindi languages

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